Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ten Types of Happiness

1) Happiness of being cared for/loved

2) Happiness of caring for/loving

3) Happiness of knowing self

4) Happiness of having self known

5) Happiness of body comfort

6) Happiness of feeling safe

7) Happiness of time on your side

8) Happiness of successful work

9) Happiness of a good environment

10) Happiness of good food


Babylon said...

Any update on your thyroid?
The benign nodules 2.5 cm can be treated by PEI(ethanol sclerotherapy) procedure, but each individual case varies:)

Babylon said...

Any update on your thyroid?
The benign nodules 2.5 cm can be treated by PEI(ethanol sclerotherapy) procedure, but each individual case varies:)

Transplanted said...

Yes! Thanks for asking. I really need to post an update but I got SO behind with the sleeping, and the thyroid crap. Removed, it was 3.5 cm and half of my thyroid was removed. It turned out to be several nodules in a sac (um...yeah) and I have felt amazing ever since the surgery. I sleep like a normal person and have lost 15 lbs in two months with no effort. Are people doing Ethanol in the US? I thought that was only in Europe?

Babylon said...

Dr. Richard Guttler in Santa Monica, California does this procedure.